Monday, January 25, 2016

Smoker Profile: Forrest Buhrmaster

What was your first cigar experience?
The first time I had a cigar it was two days before my 18th birthday and my father took my down to Ybor. I was incredibly excited to see what smoking a cigar would be like and could not wait. When we arrived we walked down 7th Avenue and went into a the tiny hand rolled shop next King Corona, at the time I had no idea what the shops were in that area.
We asked for a mild cigar, one for each of us, and the owner asked if we would like a sweetened tip on the cigar. Being new to cigars we both said sure why not. I remember he used the sweetener waxy stuff on the tip and then cut them for us. The owner had one of those huge table lighters, the old fashioned kind, and turned it on. I was like what the hell? I had never seen a butane lighter, especially one so big. My dad lit his and with hesitation due to the fact that fire would be spewing towards my face I lit mine. We left the shop and for an hour or so we walked the streets of Ybor talking and enjoying our cigars. I do distinctly remember that my father put his out before I was ready to be done. I did not want to stop smoking my first cigar and wanted it to last forever. I nubbed it all the way to the bottom as I still do with most of my cigars now. 

What are your top 3 favorite cigars?
First, would have to be New World by AJ Fernandez. Second, I think would be Undercrown by Drew Estate. And third, would be The Leaf by Oscar, I just tried this cigar about a week ago and it was phenomenal.

What is your go to cigar shop?
For the past year or so I have been going to this small shop called Smoker's Paradise in Clearwater. They have a pretty good selection despite their size and have a great collection of their own pipe tobacco which is always fun to get every now and then. The two guys there are always give me great deals and take care of me. Definitely worth checking out if you are in the area.

What do you look for when entering a shop's humidor?
Typically when I walk in I scan the whole place for cigars I have had and ones that I have seen others have. If I see a few that I know multiple people have enjoyed I will normally grab one to try for myself. I can easily spend nearly a half hour scouring the room for an interesting cigar or one that really stands out to me. The hardest part is walking out but I never walk out until I have a few that I know I will like.
Link to the shop:
Shop Spotlight:
Shop Spotlight: Smoker's Paradise of Clearwater

What is your cigar time usually like?
Currently I live in a condo so we do not have a porch or deck so I have a fold up chair just outside my front door. It might not seem luxurious but it does not matter because it is time to myself and my cigar. I bring me laptop out with me for entertainment and usually watch Youtube videos or the occasional movie or tv show I really want to watch. Youtube and cigars have definitely become a ritual for me as it feels weird to have one without the other. I will either pair my cigar with water or a new beer I like, currently it is Shock Top. I learned from a seasoned cigar smoker recently that the citrus will cleanse the pallet which gives you more flavors out of the cigar. Works pretty will so far.

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