Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Smoker Profile: EXCLUSIVE Matthew Hunt (Owner of FQ Cigars)

What was your first cigar experience?
My first cigar experience was on a cruise with my brother where we had a Cuban in one of the lounges on board. It was an awful cigar but I fell in love with the feeling smoking a cigar gave me.
What are your top 3 favorite cigars?
Top 3:
Wunderlust by RomaCraft 
El Gueguense by Foundation Cigar Company 
Eiroa 20 Year Anniversary

What is your go to cigar shop?
My go to cigar shop is one with great music, company, and conversation. 

What do you look for when entering a shop's humidor?
I look to see if they support boutique cigar brands and if they are well kept.

What is your cigar time usually like?
My cigar time usually consists of great music with friends outside. 

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